According to a recent local government report, sexual misconduct complaints plagued Chicago's public schools in 2022, with more than 25% of the complaints containing allegations of sexual harassment. Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Will Fletcher, inspector general of the Chicago Board of Education, recorded 470 sexual misconduct complaints against Chicago Public School workers from minors in 2022.

The report recounts instances of school personnel abusing, groping, grooming, assaulting, and threatening children, according to Illinois Policy.

Chicago School System Sexual Misconduct Allegations

An inquiry revealed that a former Junior ROTC staff member had sexual relations with a 16-year-old high school student for a period of one year. When the staff member discovered there was an inquiry, he threatened to murder the girl and her family if she assisted investigators.

A high school instructor exposed himself to a female 11th-grade student during driver's education when the two were alone. The youngster reported the event to two additional staff workers, but none notified administrators as required reporters.

The minor resorted to social media when no one believed her, and another student came forward with complaints against the same instructor, who is now facing criminal charges and has resigned.

Mary Fergus, a spokesperson for CPS, replied to Fletcher's findings. The OIG advised disciplinary action against any administrator or employee who neglected to disclose abuse accusations. In 2022, a total of 1,825 complaints were received about sexual accusations, misuse of finances, fraud, bullying, and other inappropriate behavior. 725 individuals were examined.

In a report released late last week, the Office of the Inspector General for Chicago Public Schools reported that 470 claims of sexual misconduct were made against CPS employees in 2017. The Sexual Allegations Unit (SAU) of the OIG opened 447 of these cases to examine suspected sex offenses by instructors.

Per The Free Press, the OIG report reveals that this was by far the largest category of faculty and staff accusations of malfeasance or misconduct. These problems accounted for 26% of all unfavorable reports. The second greatest category of complaints, at 7.6%, was "behavior unbecoming."

According to the study, the SAU has started 1,735 cases since its inception in 2018 in response to claims submitted by students, alumni, parents, employees, and others.
Examples identified by the Inspector General include:

  • A special education instructor allegedly "groomed and sexually involved" an eighth-grade pupil twice. The educator was charged with one count of criminal sexual abuse and pled guilty.
  • A former staff member of the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) had sexual relations with a female student between the ages of 16 and 17. The employee provided the girl drink and, among thousands of text messages, said, "I'm ready to f- right now... I will not be gentle either." When the JROTC employee believed he may be the subject of an inquiry, he allegedly threatened to murder the girl and her family if she went public.
  • In another instance, a high school girl said that a physical education instructor exposed his groin region to her during driver's ed. Other staff members refuted the claim, with one apparently blaming the student's "provocative attire" However, a 15-year-old student said that the same instructor had emailed her photographs and videos of him masturbating.
  • A charter school administrator reportedly escorted a student in high school to a Chicago Broadway production. While driving home, the student said that the administrator "slid his hand down the front of the student's pants and groped his genitals."

Recent Sexual Misconduct Involving School Staff

The OIG for Chicago Public Schools issued its annual report on Sunday, stating that it validated more than 70 charges of wrongdoing out of more than 600 complaints for the 2021-22 school year. Since October 2018, the watchdog reported that 302 investigations uncovered policy violations.

Three times, a 17-year-old student was groomed and sexually assaulted by a teacher, according to an OIG investigation. This teacher was accused of many incidents of sexual assault.

According to the article, the instructor was cleared of all charges during a trial in November 2022, despite proof supplied by the youngster and social media logs.

Another inquiry indicated that a former JROTC staff member had intercourse with a high school female between the ages of 16 and 17 over the period of a year, according to the article. The youngster was also provided beer and marijuana, and she bought marijuana for the suspect, according to the OIG.

When the employee realized he may have been the subject of an inquiry, he allegedly threatened to murder the girl and her family. After pleading guilty to sexual assault and criminal sexual abuse, he was detained and ultimately sentenced to time served and four years probation.

A teacher at a secondary school allegedly exchanged 4,000 text messages with a female pupil, including 400 every day. The instructor said that he was in an open marriage and "attracted to other individuals."

A high school physical education instructor reportedly exposed himself to a female pupil. According to the allegation, a charter school administrator escorted a junior in high school to a Broadway show in downtown Chicago, where he grabbed her leg during the performance.

While driving the student home after the performance, he "slid his hand down the front of the student's pants and stroked his genitalia."

According to the OIG, the administrator also brought the student to Las Vegas, Los Angeles, London, Ibiza, and the Bahamas. The administrator resigned when the OIG advised his dismissal, as per Fox News.
