Former U.S. President Donald Trump shared his disappointment regarding the recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University, a private education institute in Hamden, Connecticut.

U.S. President Donald Trump walks out of the White House before departing July 19, 2019 in Washington, DC. Trump is traveling to New Jersey to host a fundraising dinner and spend the weekend at his Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

On June 14, the Quinnipiac University released the results of its national poll. Based on the results, Joe Biden still dominates other presidential candidates for the U.S. Election in 2024.

However, Trump wasn't happy with the results and said that it was a bad survey. The former POTUS even accused the Quinnipiac University of using too few Republican voters.

Here are other things that Donald Trump shared on his Truth Social post.

Donald Trump Bashes University Poll After Losing To Biden

According to Independent UK's latest report, Trump claims that he was supposed to be leading the poll of Quinnipiac University.

CNN journalists Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, did absolutely no fact corrections during the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.JIM WATSON,SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

"It undersamples Republicans by 10 points, which means, instead of being down 4 points, I am up 6 points," said the former American leader.

He added that other surveys commonly show him having higher votes than Biden and other candidates.

However, he claimed that FoxNews would allow trying to show negatives on MAGA & TRUMP.

"We're winning BIG, they don't like it, the RINOS don't like it, the Democrats don't like it but, most of all, the Marxists & Communists don't like it!" added Donald Trump.

Based on Quinnipiac University's survey, Biden is the leading candidate favored by voters.

Here are the top five U.S. presidential candidates based on the survey:

  • Joe Biden (42% favorable)
  • Donald Trump (37% favorable)
  • Ron DeSantis (33% favorable)
  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (31% favorable)
  • Mike Pence (25% favorable)

You can visit the university's official poll by clicking this link.

Biden Will Official Run for 2nd Term

The Guardian reported that Joe Biden confirmed that he wants to run for a 2nd term.

He has already started his re-election campaign. He conducted his first rally in Philadelphia on Saturday, June 17.

"We'll be here until the end. We won't leave until it's finished," said Biden during his campaign speech.

But, since many U.S. residents are no longer favoring the current U.S. president, Biden needs to do more than give good speeches.