United States President Joe Biden joined a meeting where officials discussed ways to regulate artificial intelligence technology.Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

United States President Joe Biden joins the meeting to discuss efforts to regulate artificial intelligence in the country as he warns of the economic and security risks.

The situation comes as leaders on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue appeared to be ready to move forward in the coming weeks in regulating artificial intelligence. Officials have repeatedly warned about the dangers of the rapidly-advancing technology.

Regulating Artificial Intelligence Technology

On Tuesday, the Democratic leader honed in on the issue as he convened a meeting held in San Francisco. Officials pushed for a much stricter response to AI's potential impacts in the coming years in areas ranging from the workplace to raising children to civil rights.

In a brief statement, Biden said there is a need to manage the risks of artificial intelligence. His remarks came as a White House official said the event would be followed in the following days by a "process to rapidly develop decisive actions we can take over the coming weeks," as per Yahoo Finance.

Many also expect further heat on Capitol Hill to come later this week when Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reveals new details regarding his AI-related plans. The Biden administration in May brought the CEOs of Alphabet (GOOG), Microsoft (MSFT), and others to the White House.

It was an effort to initiate what officials described as a conversation about AI while also underlining its expectations that companies must ensure that their products are safe before making them accessible to the public at large.

In a short video released by the White House, Biden warned of the "enormous danger" that artificial intelligence technology poses. However, he was concerned overall and said he wanted to assemble CEOs to "educate us" regarding the technology.

According to the Associated Press, the Biden administration is working to figure out a way of regulating AI technology that would nurture its potential for economic growth and national security while protecting against its potential risks.

Threats to the Economy and Security

Biden said that there will be more technological change in the next decade compared to what has been seen in the last five decades. He argued that artificial intelligence technology was responsible for driving that change.

The sudden arrival of the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT and several other highly advanced tools resulted in a flurry of investment in the sector. These tools can create human-like text, music, images, and computer code. Many see this form of automation as capable of increasing workers' productivity, but experts warn of various risks.

Global regulators have needed help formulating rules that govern the use of generative artificial intelligence, whose impact they compared to that of the internet. The United States president also discussed the matter of artificial intelligence with other international leaders, including British Prime Minister Rishi Sunal.

Later this year, the latter's government will hold a first global summit on artificial intelligence safety. Furthermore, Biden is expected to discuss the issue with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he goes on a diplomatic visit to the latter's territory, said Reuters.