The United States has conducted airstrikes in eastern Syria, targeting two facilities associated with Iranian-backed militias. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin confirmed this action in a statement.

The decision to carry out these airstrikes comes in response to a string of drone and rocket attacks directed toward US forces in the region, as per CNN.

US Strikes Iranian-Backed Militias in Self-Defense Near Boukamal

US soldiers patrol the town of al-Qahtaniyah in Syria's northeastern Hasakeh province near the Turkish border on March 14, 2022, a day after the Iranian military claimed responsibility for missile strikes on Iraq's northern Kurditsan region. (Photo by Delil souleiman / AFP) / The erroneous mention appearing in the metadata of this photo by Delil souleiman has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [ON IRAQ'S NORTHERN KURDISTAN REGION] instead of [ON ITS NORTHERN]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require. DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP via Getty Images

The US strikes near Boukamal targeted weapons and ammunition storage areas connected to the Iranian-backed groups responsible for the attacks. The precision strikes were executed by two F-16 fighter jets, demonstrating the US's determination to protect its regional personnel and interests.

While there is no information available yet on casualties or damage assessment, the strikes are expected to significantly impact the ability of Iranian proxy groups to continue targeting US forces. Since October 17, there have been at least 19 attacks on US bases and personnel in Iraq and Syria, including three new ones on the day of the retaliatory strikes.

These attacks have caused injuries to 21 US personnel and tragically resulted in the death of a contractor who suffered a cardiac arrest while seeking shelter. The relentless nature of these attacks necessitated a response from the United States.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin emphasized that the strikes were a "precision self-defense" measure responding to ongoing attacks by Iranian-backed militia groups. US President Joe Biden authorized the strikes to send a clear message that the US will not tolerate such attacks and will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests.

The operation is distinct from Israel's conflict with Hamas, and the US does not seek a broader confrontation with Iran. While the specific groups targeted in the airstrikes were not disclosed, the US holds Tehran responsible for funding, arming, equipping, and directing these proxies.

The airstrikes aim to compel Iran to lead the militia groups to cease attacks on American bases and personnel, according to Yahoo News.

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Iran-Linked Sites Amid Escalation Concerns

The US has not directly linked Iran to the recent attacks by Hamas but has raised concerns about Iran's support for the group and the potential for the conflict to escalate into a wider war.

US officials have emphasized that their response is proportional and intended to deter further attacks on US personnel involved in the fight against the Islamic State group.

Similar airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria have been routine after attacks on US bases. For example, in March, the US struck sites used by groups affiliated with Iran's Revolutionary Guard after an attack killed a US contractor.

The US response is carefully calculated to maintain the delicate balance in the region. The Biden administration has clarified that it does not seek a broader conflict with Iran. However, if Iranian proxy groups continue to target US forces, the US will not hesitate to take additional action to protect its personnel.

The airstrikes on Iran-linked sites in Syria are intended to send a strong message while avoiding further escalation in the region. The recent spate of attacks in Syria and Iraq has raised concerns about the potential impact on the wider region. Iran's support for Hamas and criticism of the US for providing weapons to Israel have added complexity to the situation.

The US has taken measures to strengthen its regional air defenses, deploying Patriot missile systems, THAAD batteries, and additional fighter jets to protect its forces, The Guardian reported.