Israel Defense Forces (IDF) entered Gaza's largest hospital on Wednesday, November 15, and were reportedly investigating the facility's rooms and basement. This now marks the end of a blockade that had generated worldwide concern for the safety of thousands of residents trapped inside the hospital.

The Israeli military claimed Hamas members have their headquarters in tunnels under the Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City, an assertion that Hamas disputes. The hospital has been the primary focus of the ground offensive.

Hundreds of patients without electricity to run basic medical equipment and thousands of displaced people who found sanctuary there have garnered global attention. Officials in Gaza claim that the Israeli blockade of the hospital has caused the deaths of several patients, including three newborn infants.

Israel said its soldiers killed militants in a firefight before entering and bringing medical treatment to the people inside. "Before entering the hospital, our forces were confronted by explosive devices and terrorist squads, fighting ensued in which terrorists were killed," according to the Israeli army.

An aerial view shows the compound of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on November 7, 2023, amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas.BASHAR TALEB / AFP via Getty Images

Tanks, Soldiers Storming The Hospital

The IDF has confirmed that Israeli tanks have delivered incubators, baby food, and medical supplies to the Al Shifa hospital. They assured the public that medical professionals and Arabic-speaking troops were already on the ground to guarantee the distribution of help.

Surgeon Dr. Ahmed El Mohallalati told Reuters over the phone that staff had to hide overnight as violence broke out outside the hospital. "So yesterday early evening, it started ... shooting around the hospital and within the hospital. And the sound was really horrible."

El Mohallalati claims that the hospital staff has seen tanks in the area. From the main entrance on the hospital's eastern side, one of the large tanks drove inside and parked in front of the emergency room. "All kinds of weapons were used around the hospital. They targeted the hospital directly. We try to avoid being near the windows," he added.

Another hospital employee confirmed that tanks had entered the hospital grounds at about 3:00 AM local time. The Israeli forces dismounted and fanned out around the yard before beginning a systematic search of the basements and structures.

Apparently, the hospital management notified the staff that the army had informed them of their intent to conduct a room-by-room search of the facility. The source said that the military and the hospital's patients, staff, and displaced residents were all free to go about their business.

According to a statement released by the IDF, it is "carrying out a precise and targeted operation against Hamas in a specified area in the Shifa hospital, based on intelligence information and an operational necessity."

Israel gave Hamas 12 hours to stop its military operations near the hospital, but the group did not.