French film star Gérard Depardieu has not subsided as the entertainment industry grapples with accusations leveled against one of France's most renowned actors.

A recent documentary shed light on obscene remarks and sexual exploitation made by Depardieu towards a young girl, reigniting the controversy over allegations of sexual assault. However, amidst the uproar, an unexpected ally has emerged: the French presidency, as per to Politico.

French Celebrities Clash Over Artistic Immunity

A newspaper article published in Libération on January 1st condemned the defense of Depardieu, asserting that his talent should not shield him from criticism or excuse his unacceptable behavior. The signatories, including directors, actors, comedians, and singers, argued that art should not serve as a shield for impunity.

Emphasizing their commitment to supporting victims of sexual violence, the counter-tribune denounced the misuse of art to justify abuse, power imbalances, and harassment, stating that artists must never turn a blind eye to the suffering of victims, regardless of their status or fame.

Despite the controversy, Depardieu rallied a group of more than fifty celebrities, including prominent figures such as director Bertrand Blier and actors Charlotte Rampling, Nathalie Baye, and Carole Bouquet, in a letter of support published in Le Figaro. These signatories claimed that by attacking Depardieu, the essence of art itself was being targeted.

However, several of these signatories have since distanced themselves from the letter after it was discovered that it was initiated by Yannis Ezziadi, a comedian and author associated with the conservative magazine Causeur. The lack of research before signing the letter has led to ridicule, with some questioning the motivations of those involved.

Actress Carole Bouquet, who had a past relationship with Depardieu, along with other signatories, has expressed regret and withdrawn their support. Actor Charles Berling, in particular, stated his disagreement with the article's content and condemned the extreme right-wing ideas put forward by its author, apologizing to those who may have been offended by his initial position.

Jacques Weber, another signatory, admitted to his error in signing without considering the victims and the widespread issue of violence against women.

French President Emmanuel Macron also voiced his support for Depardieu in response to a documentary that showed the actor making misogynistic remarks about women. Macron's defense of Depardieu has drawn criticism and was seen as a significant political mistake, according to Yahoo News.

Macron Criticized For Undermining Anti-Violence

French President Emmanuel Macron visits the Royal Jordanian Air Force's Prince Hassan Air Base (H5), about 117 kilometres northwest of the capital Amman, on December 22, 2023, during a two-day visit to Jordan. LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP via Getty Images

Macron's stance has angered those who feel he is undermining the fight against violence against women. Olivier Faure, the head of the Socialist Party, accused Macron of not taking the issue seriously, highlighting the contradiction between his promises and his actions.

MP Sandrine Rousseau and feminist collective Generation Feministe both expressed their disappointment with Macron's comments, considering them an insult to victims of sexual violence.

Amidst the controversy, Gérard Depardieu has reportedly sought solace in Belgium, residing in a friend's villa in Mont-Saint-Aubert. The actor has been cloistered away as the media storm continues to swirl around him.

Depardieu's daughter, actress Julie Depardieu, defended her father's freedom of speech in an interview, denouncing what she deemed an unprecedented manhunt against a man who has been idolized throughout his career.

In addition to this ongoing controversy, President Macron also faces challenges in his country's manufacturing sector. Recent figures revealed a contraction in French industry, with economists predicting a gloomy outlook for the sector in the coming months. Germany and the UK also experienced difficulties in their manufacturing sectors, with France faring worse.

While Macron can claim a victory with the adoption of a flagship immigration bill in December, it came at a cost. Health Minister Aurélien Rousseau resigned in response to the legislation, leaving Macron's coalition government scarred.

Despite defending the bill's alignment with the desires of the French people, Macron's critics argue that his actions do not align with his promises regarding violence against women.

As the controversy surrounding Depardieu continues and the challenges in the manufacturing sector persist, Emmanuel Macron faces significant obstacles at the start of the new year. With public opinion divided and accusations flying, the French president must navigate these controversies while striving to fulfill his election promises, Express reported.