Donald Trump makes NATO nations nervous, warned retired American Gen. Wesley Clark.Photo by MARK PETERSON/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Former NATO supreme allied commander Gen. Wesley Clark warned that member nations of the defense alliance are "very, very concerned" about continued U.S. commitment and Ukraine protection if Donald Trump wins the White House.

They're particularly worried about "dangerous" talk from Trump indicating that his administration won't back up Ukraine in its war against the Russian invasion, or possibly any war in Europe, Clark said in a podcast for The Hill on Friday.

"They don't trust him. They don't understand why he's saying this. They think it might have something to do with his relationship with [Russian President] Vladimir Putin," Clark said. "They're concerned, really worried, because, for us, NATO is an ocean away. For them, Russia is next door."

NATO's 75th Summit kicks off Tueday in Washington, D.C.

NATO Secretary General Jen Stoltenberg on "Face the Nation" on CBS News Sunday dodged questions about NATO members' trust in President Joe Biden's competence in the wake of his troubling debate with Donald Trump, saying he didn't want to get involved in domestic politics.

Clark''s comments on Trump begn at 31:00 in the Hill podcast below: