During congressional testimony on Wednesday, Ben Shapiro was met by protesters who accused him of fueling hate in American society. X

A protester confronted noted Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro following congressional testimony on Wednesday, asking, "How does it feel to be the poison of the American public?" in a recorded video.

The woman accused Shapiro of perpetuating racism, white supremacy, and what some of called a genocide that is being carried out on the Palestinian people.

"How does it feel to stand for Hamas? Does that feel good to you?" adding, "Do you feel good standing in solidarity with a terrorist group that has murdered 1,200 Jews and keeps people in tunnels," the 40-year-old vocal supporter of Israel fired back.

"I feel good standing with Palestinians who have been murdered by Israel with US-paid tax dollars and bonds while you continue to fuel hate," said one woman.

"Your rhetoric is poisoning American society," the protester shouted back.

"Hamas should not start a war on behalf of its citizens and then shoot its own citizens and you stand for it makes you a disgrace to human dignity and human rights", Shapiro responded.

Shapiro turned to walk away once more accusing the group of supporting Hamas following the events of October 7 as the protester continued to speak about the blood-soaked hands that pervade members of Congress and everyone who watched Shapiro's 'propaganda'.

Shapiro's congressional testimony had fireworks of its own when he squared up with the Democratic representative from California, Eric Swalwell.

While Shapiro was there to testify about an alleged conspiracy waged by the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) to silence conservative media outlets, such as his own Daily Wire, Swalwell took Shapiro to task on the question of the oft-discussed Project 2025.

"Mr. Shapiro, thank you for joining us today. I think it is important that you're here as one of the leading conservative voices in the country," Swalwell began.

Shapiro replied, "I think like President Trump, I haven't looked all that deeply into Project 2025. But it seems that Democrats on this committee think that - sort of like Peter Pan and Tinkerbell - if they say Project 2025 enough, their presidential candidate becomes alive again."