The suspect committed the crime July 4th in an apartment complex in Orlando, Florida.Mugshots Zone

A man in Florida arrested for the random killing of a 13-year-old Orlando girl found himself in front of a judge on Monday morning.

Jerry Dorisme, 28, wearing a suicide prevention smock, remained silent, staring blankly as a judge read the charges against him.

Surveillance video caught Dorisme buying the knife minutes before he followed Rose Dieujuste, 13, into an apartment complex.

On July 4, officers discovered Dieujuste in the complex's utility closet, barely alive after being stabbed.

In a previous incident, investigators revealed an individual had called 911 after they saw Dorisme walking in front of a Pine Hills daycare wielding a knife.

When confronted, Dorsime began rambling about being chased by a female named 'Cat,' as well as "not wanting to talk to the Russians."

During that arrest, Dorisme punched several deputies; however, he was eventually restrained and involuntarily committed to a mental health facility under the Baker Act.

The sheriff's office disclosed that it sent criminal charges to the state attorney's office, but prosecutors did not file the case until after Rose was murdered.

Dorisme is currently being held in jail with no bond on the charges of murder and battery on a law enforcement officer.