An altercation at a residence ended up with one man skewered by a samurai sword. The victim bled to death because of stab to gut.Marc Bach/Pixabay

A 44-year-old California woman was arrested after she allegedly stabbed her wife to death with a Samurai sword and wounded her mother-in-law.

Weichien Huang is accused of attacking Chen Chen Fei, 47, and Fei's mother about 3:30 p.m. last Thursday in their Los Angeles County home, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

The couple had been in a fight before the attack, authorities said.

The mother-in-law, who was not identified, was able to wrestle the sword away from Huang despite her injuries and run outside to find help.

She is in stable condition at a local hospital.

Fei's body was found in the home.

Huang has been charged with murder.

Police said that no further information on the case was available at this time.