Three of the 10 high-speed lines were canceled on Saturday along routes hit by the series of coordinated attacks.ANN WANG/POOL/AFP via Getty Images
A policeman and a policewoman with a MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR AND OVERSEAS PARIS 2024 badge, talk together along a National Police security line in Paris.MATTHIEU DELATY/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images

The latest attack during the Olympic Games severed multiple optic cables carrying internet service across the southern and eastern regions of France.

In a post to social media, a spokesman for the French telecommunications carrier SFR revealed other carriers, including Iliad SA's Free and Netalis, were also impacted.

Connections serving Paris, the host of the Olympic Games, were unaffected, said a spokesman for Olympic telecom partner Orange SA.

A French police official said at least six of France's administrative departments were affected, the Associated Press reported.

Netalis Chief Executive Officer Nicolas Guillaume later announced that the telecom company had successfully moved traffic to backup networks early on Monday, according to Bloomberg.

However, the capital continues to grapple with attacks on its infrastructure.

An arson attack damaged infrastructure along lines connecting Paris from the north, east, and west, disrupting trains ahead of the opening ceremony on Friday.