Michael Sam became the first openly gay football player in the NFL after getting drafted to the St. Louis Rams but his celebration was met with harsh criticism and disgust. On Saturday, May 10 ESPN had cameras rolling when Sam received the phone call that the Rams made him the 249th overall draft pick in the draft.

He celebrated by kissing his significant other- his boyfriend Vito Cammisano on national television. Former NFL running back Derrick Ward immediately took to Twitter to slam ESPN for airing the kiss. The 33-year-old felt it was inappropriate because kids were watching.

"I'm sorry but that Michael Sam is no bueno for doing that on national tv. I'm fine with it being a new day in age but for him to do that on national tv is disgusting. Gay or not," Ward tweeted.

"Man u got little kids lookin at the draft. I can't believe ESPN even allowed that to happen," he continued.

Ward, who was a member of the New York Giants Super Bowl winning team in 2007, didn't back down even when he was attacked on the social network.

"Gotta love twitter! I've never seen so much hate towards another persons comments in my life. I guess the power of words are meaningful," Ward continued. "The funny thing is people are calling me this and that on here but if u look back to what I wrote I said what he did shouldn't had been allowed on tv for people to see. No matter if he's gay or not. I could careless. Shoving cake in your significant others face then deep the paring [sic] your tongue into the other persons mouth is a little over board. But people seen that as oh I'm bashing him because he's gay. Who cares!!"

Ward wasn't the only one who disapproved of Sam's kiss. According to Sportingnews.com, Miami Dolphins safety Don Jones tweeted "horrible" but later apologized. The Dolphins released a statement, which included Jones' apology and also fined the athlete.

"I want to apologize to Michael Sam for the inappropriate comments that I made last night on social media," the statement read. "I take full responsibility for them and I regret that these tweets took away from his draft moment. I remember last year when I was drafted in the seventh round and all of the emotions and happiness I felt when I received the call that gave me an opportunity to play for an NFL team and I sincerely apologize to Mr. Ross, my teammates, coaches, staff and fans for these tweets. I am committed to represent the values of the Miami Dolphins organization and appreciate the opportunity I have been given to do so going forward."

According to Sporting News, Jones was also suspended from the team until he "completes educational training."