Yelp, Inc. confirmed on Thursday that its app will now include a video feature that allows users to upload short clips.

The addition was made to help reviewers gain a better understanding of the atmosphere of businesses, according to PC Magazine.

The feature will be released to "Elite" Yelp users first in early June. Afterwards, it will be available to the general public.

Madhu Prabaker, mobile product manager of Yelp, said the video feature will help users understand different businesses better than they could with just their phones, Business Insider reported.

"It will be a reward for businesses that go to great lengths to achieve a certain ambiance, whether by having a certain lighting or the music at just the right level," Prabaker said.

Videos between 3 and 12 seconds long are allowed with this feature. Even if users are unable to quickly upload videos, they will still begin to see them on mobile reviews early next month.

When users go to add a review from their mobile devices, they will see a new option to record a video, PC Magazine reported. After the video is recorded, users will also have the option of selecting a cover photo and leaving a caption before posting the video online.

The videos with the highest ratings will automatically sit at the top of the photo and video feed.

Currently, 70 percent of the San Francisco, Calif.-based company's uploads come from mobile devices, Business Insider reported.

23,000 mobile photos are uploaded on to Yelp every day.

Yelp's new addition comes at a time when Foursquare, a competing reviews service, announced its own new developments.

Foursquare split its service in two recently, with the main app now being used to find places to go to, and the new Swarms app being used to check in to places and communicate with friends.