Bakeries, cafes and specialty shops will offer deals in honor of National Doughnut Day, Friday.

According to Business Insider, Krispy Kreme customers receive a complimentary doughnut when they stop into any of the company's participating locations. A purchase is not necessary.

"Celebrate with any free doughnut," the company said in an online advertisement.

Dunkin' Donuts will have free doughnuts available with a beverage purchase.

President of the company's global marketing and innovation division said national doughnut observance is another way to bring joy and enjoyment to the treat.

"As the country's doughnut leader, each and every day we see the unique way doughnuts can create smiles and make any moment a little happier and a little sweeter," John Costello said in a company press release. "We are proud to help people celebrate and enjoy National Doughnut Day with a free doughnut at Dunkin' Donuts with the purchase of any beverage."

Doughnut enthusiasts who enter Entenmann's Facebook sweepstakes can win a year's supply of the fried, sweet rings. The food company will also give a $1 donation to the Salvation Army for every Facebook like they receive until June 15.

At Tim Hortons', customers who wish employees a "happy National Doughnut Day," will receive a complimentary dessert.

The Chicago Salvation Army created the holiday to recognize women who gave World War I soldiers doughnuts during the troubling time in history. According to USA Today, the organization also established National Doughnut Day to collect money for social ministry use throughout the Great Depression.

A Salvation Army spokesman mentioned that the breakfast treat was a spontaneous creation.

"They had lard and flour and sugar, and they figured out a way to make doughnuts," Ron Busroe said. "It brought a sense of calm and a bit of home into the chaos of war."