
Google Checkout to Retire in November

Google will cancel its Checkout payment processing tool on November 20, 2013, as part of a transition to its multi-platform payment system - Google Wallet.

The company warned retailers who are currently using Google Checkout that they will need to move to a different payment processing platform. Google explains what the retirement means for Checkout merchants, Google Play developers and users in a blog post.

Merchants will be able to accept payments through Checkout until November 20, 2013, but after which they'll have to move to a different payment processing service. To facilitate the transition, Google has partnered with other payment processing services; Braintree, Shopify and Freshbooks, to offer its current customers a discount.

Meanwhile, developers accepting Google Checkout payments through any of Google's properties (e.g. Google Play, Chrome Web Store) will be automatically transitioned to Google Wallet.

Google Checkout was launched in 2006 as an online payment system akin to Ebay-owned PayPal.

Finally, shoppers will be able to use Google Wallet to make purchases on merchant apps and sites, as well as Google properties, using the Google Wallet button.

Google, Google wallet
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