Domino's Pizza collaboration with Nuance Communications enables pizza lovers to voice order menu items using the food chain's iPhone and Android apps.

According to a press release, the company launched a beta form of the technology Monday. The free program is downloadable from the iTunes app store on Apple iPhone mobile devices. It's also available through Google's Play Store, on Android-operated smartphones. The app's older version can be updated to a new system with voice ordering capabilities.

Nuance's Nina Mobile virtual assistant runs Domino's voice ordering app. This impacts speech recognition, speech synthesis, and other natural language understanding technologies the press release reported. Consumers tell the system what they want to buy. These items are then added to a virtual online shopping cart. Nuance plans to keep improving the mobile program once customers are more acquainted with its ordering option.

Domino's Pizza president and CEO said the app is a step ahead of the technology world's future direction.

"There will be a day when typing on keyboards or with thumbs on mobile devices will come to a close; we want to be the ones who continue to advance the technology experience - hand-in-hand with our customers," Patrick Doyle said in a statement. Domino's Pizza president and CEO. "Our mobile app users who are a part of this launch are truly helping set the foundation for the innovations of today, that will soon enough become the standards of tomorrow."

Nuance's executive vice president and general manager for the company's enterprise division said the technology creates an easy way for customers to make purchases.

"Whether ordering pizzas, booking a flight or transferring money into a bank account - convenience is what translates to increased sales and customer satisfaction," Robert Weideman said in a statement. "Our Nina platform is enabling organizations like Domino's to do just that, and we are very proud to be a part of offering this convenience to their growing number of mobile app users."