Google has acquired video advertising company mDialog to offer higher quality videos to advertisers.

Google, the biggest internet search company, makes a fortune through advertising and it makes business sense to strive to improve its money making business. The internet search titan has acquired video advertising company mDialog in a bid to enhance its services for advertisers. The startup's technology and expertise will be integrated into Google's own DoubleClick product suite offered to its advertisers to provide higher quality video options.

The announcement of the acquisition was done via Google's DoubleClick digital marketing service Google+ account, Thursday. The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. The startup will continue its operations until further notice and there will be no immediate changes for its existing customers.

"Together, we're committed to offering more ways for publishers to monetize live, linear and on-demand video content across all screens," Google's DoubleClick digital marketing service wrote on its Google+ page. "This represents the latest of our ongoing investments in helping brands connect with high-quality video content."

According to mDialog's official website, the San-Francisco based advertising firm works with various media communications companies in North America to manage, deliver and measure video advertising for IP connected devices such as Apple iPad, iPhone, Android, Google TV, Apple TV, Xbox and Roku.

Google's shopping spree started as early as January this year when the company acquired smart thermostat maker Nest Labs for $3.2 billion. Of late, Google has been speeding up its acquisitions in order to create new opportunities and to enhance existing businesses. The web giant announced at least five acquisitions last month, including Word Lens, Stackdriver and British business solutions company Rangespan and at least three more in June.

A report from Bloomberg Thursday, revealed that Google had snapped up another startup in addition to mDialog. According to Google's email statement, the web giant acquired wireless technology company Alpental Technologies in a bid to bolster its efforts to bring fast internet to remote locations, for which the company has already been working hard through its Project Loon for a year now.