Katherine Heigl has something to say about being branded as one of the most difficult actresses to work with.

Gossip sites have plagued that the actress and her mother, Nancy, are "exceptionally difficult" to work with because of their "behavior and demands." During the 2014 NBC Universal Television Critics Association panel for Heigl's new NBC drama series, "State of Affairs," a reporter questioned the 35-year-old actress about the rumors surrounding her alleged bad behavior on set.

"I can only say that I certainly don't see myself as being difficult," Heigl said, according to CNN Entertainment. "I would never intend to be difficult. I don't think my mother sees herself as being difficult. We always ... I think it's important to everybody to conduct themselves professionally and respectfully and kindly. If I've ever disappointed somebody, it was never intentional."

Heigl's mother is serving as an executive producer on the NBC series; however, during the press conference she called herself a newcomer to the producer's table. When a reporter asked Nancy about her role Heigl interjected and said, "She bakes us cookies."

Jennifer Salke, NBC Entertainment President, described Nancy Heigl as "someone with a strong opinion" and added that she has not "been disruptive in any way."

Heigl admitted she choose to work on "State of Affairs" because it had "an extraordinary role and an extraordinary story." The actress plays a CIA agent who assists the President of the United States in "high-level incidents around the world," Entertainment Weekly reported.

"State of Affairs" will debut on NBC November 17.