Misfit, the company responsible for the Misfit Shine activity monitor, has introduced a new device for tracking sleep called the Misfit Beddit Sleep System.

The device works as a sensor that automatically tracks the user's sleep cycles and sleep quality through different factors, which include heart rate, respiration, snoring, movement, and ambient sound, according to PC Magazine.

Misfit, which created the gadget after forging a partnership with Beddit, designed the sensor to be placed on the user's mattress, right under the bed sheets. Users are able to track information about their sleeping habits and can do so without wearing a device on their wrists. Most activity monitors are designed to be worn on the wrist in order to measure sleep.

After physiological signals are measured and sent to a smartphone, the Beddit sensor sends the data to the Misfit Shine app, which uses the data to provide the user with understanding about their sleep habits, Mac Rumors reported.

"Shine delivered on the important function of activity tracking, but we saw that sleep tracking was one of the most engaging features because Shine does it automatically, unlike other activity monitors," said Sonny Vu, CEO and founder of Misfit. "With Beddit, we're making our sleep tracking functionality even more robust. Not only are we able to measure more, but even less is required of the user- a frictionless experience."

The Shine can track sleep on its own, but users will only get a limited amount of data about sleep cycles based on motion detection without the addition of the Beddit system. A Shine user also needs to put the device into sleep-tracking mode for it to carry out the function, while the Beddit system automatically detects when the user is in bed and sleeping. One huge benefit of the Shine is that it's waterproof and can track basic activity while the user is swimming. However, it doesn't measure data from swimming.

The Misfit Shine app is currently available to download for iOS and Android devices.

The Misfit Beddit Sleep System is available now for $149.99, Mac Rumors reported. Those looking for a new way to track their sleep can buy the sensor from the Misfit website.