A visiting toddler to the White House wanted a closer look at the presidential home and simply slipped through the iron bars to get in.

The "fence baby" snuck through the fence along Pennsylvania Ave. around 8:10 p.m. on Aug. 7. Reporters were waiting for President Barack Obama to make a statement about Iraq when they witnessed officers rushing across the North Lawn.

The security breach caused the White House to go under lockdown and shut down Pennsylvania Ave. until officers discovered the source of alarm. Secret Service spokesman, Edwin Donovan, brought the child in for questioning, but had trouble communicating.

"We were going to wait until he learned to talk to question him, but in lieu of that, he got a timeout and was sent on [his] way with his parents," Donovan said.

Recent White House intruders have tried hopping the fence only to be immediately brought down by Secret Service police. Reality stars, Michaela and Tareq Salahi from "The Real Housewives of D.C.," managed to pass by two Secret Service checkpoints and had their picture taken with President Obama when they crashed a 2009 state dinner.