A naked woman who climbed a flagpole on top of a Portland office building yesterday is undergoing a mental evaluation, according to police.

The 34-year-old woman shimmied up the flagpole, took down the American flag and wrapped it around her body.

She stood on top of the 12-level Oregon Bank building - still wearing the American flag - and held a lighter and a fire extinguisher while she launched construction materials at cars, reported the Albany Tribune.

She damaged several cars that were hit with the debris, as a result.

Officers suggested that she may be going through a mental health crisis and acknowledged the possibility that she was taking stimulant drugs, according to The Associated Press.

Once Portland police finally stopped her, she was sent for a mental evaluation at Portland Hospital.

A fire broke out nearby at the Yeon Building moments before authorities were called about the naked woman. The cause of the fire is under investigation, and it's still unclear if the two incidents are related.