An adult skull was donated to a Texas Goodwill store, and police are looking for the donor.

While staff in the Austin thrift store were sorting through donations, they came across the skull in a container that could have been donated up to a week prior to the discovery, KSAT reported.

Foul play was not suspected in the victim's death, according to Derek Israel, a homicide detective, and the skull is suspected to be from a person's private collection.

"A skull, even a medical skull, is still human remains and needs to be treated with respect. So you shouldn't throw them in the trash, you shouldn't take them home and collect them, and you definitely shouldn't give them to Goodwill," Kathy Taylor, a forensic anthropologist with the Medical Examiner's Office, told Gawker.

This is the fourth time a skull was donated to a Goodwill store this summer.