
Fast Food Strike: Employees Demanding High Wages May Be Replaced By Robots

Fast food chains are anything but intimidated by their employees striking for higher wages. The employees may just be replaced with robots.

A company called Momentum Machines designed a robot that can replace workers and would likely save fast food restaurants money.

The company's website says the robots can make about 360 burgers in an hour and the labor savings will allow the restaurants to buy higher quality foods without raising the prices.

However, Momentum Machines doesn't plan to leave the striking workers across the country completely jobless.

"We want to help the people who may transition to a new job as a result of our technology the best way we know how: education," Momentum Machines writes on their website. "Our goal is to offer discounted technical training to any former line cook of a restaurant that uses our device. We will certainly need more engineers to design new devices and technicians to service a growing line of automated restaurant solutions. These are the minds that can do this job."

A nationwide protest began yesterday, with fast food workers demanding a $15 wage and union recognition.

The fast food chains who have striking employees haven't spoken with the media.

Cook, Fast food, Strike, Minimum wage, Robot, Fast Food Workers
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