A New Jersey man was sentenced Friday to 50 years in prison for killing his ex-wife by stabbing her 84 times.

Anthony Novellino, 67, was tried and convicted in July for murdering his ex-wife, 62-year-old Judith Novellino, at their Denville home in 2010, NJ.com reported. Prosecutors said he viciously attacked and stabbed his former wife 84 times before covering her face with a pig mask.

Superior Court Judge Robert Gilson said the way the defendant killed his ex was so "heinous" that it goes "beyond murder."

"I have never seen Mr. Novellino demonstrate remorse," Gilson said according to the news site. "Even today, he takes no responsibility."

Anthony allegedly tried to sabotage his wife of 37 years in the days after their divorce became final in June 2010. He mailed out a picture of a couch he said was stained with his wife's urine, according to NJ.com.

He also reportedly told his neighbor his wife was a "pig" and made jokes about putting flowers on his wife's grave.

Anthony was also said to be concerned about how the couple's property was to be divided. Judith stopped by the Denville home to pick up her belongings when her ex-husband killed her on June 19, less than two weeks after their divorce was finalized.

The victim's family wrote a letter to the court asking for a life sentence.

"He worked diligently to discredit [Judith] with his lies and distorted facts. Knowing the extremes to which he had gone for revenge, we fear he will kill again if given the opportunity for freedom," the family wrote according to NJ.com.

Anthony did not testify at his trial, but he did address the court at his sentencing.

"It's a tragedy what happened," he said according to NJ.com. "I'm sorry for my part in it."

He must serve at least 42 years before he is eligible for parole, but with credit for the four years he has served he will be eligible in 38.

By that time Anthony will be 105 years old.