When 17-year-old Kenna Taylor, who has battled cystic fibrosis all her life, heard from her doctors that she didn't have much more time, big-hearted actor James Woods launched a Twitter campaign to make Kenna's longtime wish come true: Hearing from country star Luke Bryan.

Kenna has been fighting a hard battle. According to her Facebook page, she recently got the tragic news that she doesn't have long. "This past week has been really hard on me. When I was first told that I didn't have long, I was okay with it. I was okay with the fact that I really might leave this world because even though I spent a lot of my life sick; I had an overall good 17 years," Taylor writes. "I wouldn't change it for the world, but I don't believe that it's my time to go yet."

"I still have too much fight in me and I believe that if I push myself hard enough, I'll win," she continues. "It's going to be hell, but I think I can do it. And hey, proving people wrong is my all-time favorite job. I highly appreciate all the love that I've received from you all."

When Woods wrote to Bryan to let him know that the girl's biggest wish was to get a tweet from him, Bryan - who also as a big heart - responded. On Thursday the country star tweeted:

That tweet catapulted Taylor to an emotional cloud nine-and she immediately responded to Bryan's encouraging words.

Bryan and Woods have a lot of company in pulling for Taylor's recovery. She has more than 3,700 Facebook followers and 1,500 Twitter followers who send her love and support throughout her journey.

Taylor declared that "proving people wrong is my all-time favorite job" - and she has a whole lot of people who are hoping and praying that heroic teenager proves her doctors wrong for a long time to come.