I was never a huge fan of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in its heyday (Sarah Michelle Gellar just never did it for me. Alyson Hannigan on the other hand...), but I must admit this short is rather cool. I'm pretty sure I would make some time to watch this... if it was, indeed, the real deal.

This faux animated short was created by animator Steve Byrne. He calls it: "The Animated Adventures of Buffy," and this would/could be what amounts to the intro to the show. According to our friends over at The Nerdist, "[This trailer] depicts a lot of action, as well as a lot of excellent in-jokes for fans of this series and the other Whedonverse shows. For instance, eye-patched Xander is playing with both an Iron Man toy and a replica of Serenity. In one shot while everyone's running, we see puppet Angel from that weird episode of Angel, and later in the montage we get a glimpse of both ghost Anya AND ghost Tara. Still sad about both of those deaths, by the way. And can we just talk about how, in any medium, an episode that would have depicted Buffy and Willow fighting laser-shooting robots on top of a moving train is a thing that simply must being in existence somewhere."

Apparently, there also was a "Buffy" cartoon that was being developed in 2008 by Joss Whedon and Jeph Loeb that never saw the light of day. Unfortunately, this minute-long snippet is all fans of the show have for now. And yes, I know it's been eleven years since the series went off the air and ten since Angel. Deal with it.

If you dig this, you can check out more of Byrne's work on his Facebook page.