Ferguson, Mo., Police Chief Tom Jackson issued a public apology to the parents of fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown on Thursday through video, which was released by a public relations firm hired by the city to deal with the situation, according to Reuters.

Jackson spoke directly into a camera and read from a script in the video, which was also released by the public relations firm hired by the city, Reuters reported.

In the video he primarily addressed Brown's parents, as well as people whom he called "peaceful protesters," according to Reuters.

Brown was unarmed when he was fatally shot Aug. 9 during a confrontation with Officer Darren Wilson, according to Reuters.

Jackson also acknowledged that Brown's body should have been removed from the street much sooner after he was killed, Reuters reported. Brown's body remained on Canfield Drive, a residential street, for more than four hours while police collected evidence.

"It was just too long and I'm truly sorry for that," Jackson, dressed casually in a red polo shirt instead of his police uniform, said on the video, according to Reuters."Please know that the investigating officers meant no disrespect to the Brown family, to the African-American community or the people of Canfield (Drive). They were simply trying to do their jobs."

The shooting sparked numerous protests and racial unrest in the predominantly black community, Reuters reported.

Some residents and civil rights activists have said responding police officers were overly aggressive, noting their use of tear gas and military-style vehicles and gear, according to Reuters.

Shortly after the video was released, police clashed with protesters due to a scuffle, Reuters reported.

Jackson appeared outside the police department in civilian clothes late Thursday to assure protesters that there would be changes in the wake of Brown's killing, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported, according to Reuters.

"All those things that are causing mistrust are being evaluated and we are going to be making changes," Jackson said, Reuters reported.

Then, Jackson began to march with protesters around 11 p.m. when a scuffle broke out about 20 feet behind the chief, leading to the arrest of one protester, according to Reuters.

The Post-Dispatch said at least three other protesters were arrested after another confrontation, Reuters reported.

"It is clear that we have much work to do," Jackson said in the video, according to Reuters.