A Florida man was convicted of first-degree murder on Wednesday in the shooting death of a black teenager who was playing music too loudly in a car in a Jacksonville parking lot, the LA Times reported on Wednesday.

Michael Dunn, 47, was also convicted of three counts of attempted second-degree murder in February, but a jury could not come to a decision on the most serious indictment, charging him with the murder of 17-year-old Jordan Davis in November 2012.

On Wednesday, Duval County's state attorney, Angela B. Corey, said she will push to have Dunn sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Outside the courtroom, Davis' mother described her feelings of gratitude for a verdict she said represented justice not just for her son, but for "Trayvon and for all the nameless faces and children and people that will never have a voice."

She was referring to Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teenager killed earlier the same year by a self-appointed neighborhood watchman, who was acquitted of the charges, also in Florida.

Dunn fired 10 shots at the car Davis was in; 3 of them struck him and cut through his liver, aorta and a lung, according to CNN.

Dunn open fired on the car after he became enraged when Davis and three other teenagers refused to lower their music in a convenience store parking lot. The other teens were unharmed.

Dunn has said he acted in self-defense and believed he saw a shotgun through the SUV's window. Police did not find a weapon inside the vehicle, and prosecutors argued the gunfire erupted because he felt disrespected by a young black man.

The shooting drew national attention because Dunn is white and the teens are black. The incident occurred just six months after the murder of teenager Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida.