Apple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus continue to grow in popularity, with Chinese media estimates stating that 4 million reservations have been made for the devices in the country by Friday.

The reported demand for the devices in China follows several weeks after the Cupertino, Calif.-based tech giant made the new iPhones available in stores in the U.S., according to CNET. The device was not launched in China at this time because it did not receive regulatory approval, and retailers had to wait until earlier this week for China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to approve for them to sell it in their stores.

Out of the 4 million reservations made in the country, 2.3 million of them were made through e-commerce site Jingdong.

The figure's announcement follows one day after two million reservations for the new iPhones were reported to have been made in China in six hours, Mac Rumors reported.

The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have also been reported to be doing almost equally well in the country, with the smaller iPhone 6 taking in 1,189,083 reservations and the 6 Plus accounting for 1,106,379 reservations.

Reservations are currently being accepted by Gome, Sunning, and other large Chinese retailers licensed by Apple, CNET reported. They are also being accepted by China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom, which has reportedly taken in 600,000 reservations in two hours.

Apple fans in China will have to wait until Oct. 17th to buy the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus at their local retail stores. However, they will only have to wait until Oct. 10th to preorder the new iPhones.