Amanda Bynes is now under an involuntary psychiatric hold, according to Access Hollywood.

The 28-year-old actress was committed to a Pasadena center on Friday and will have to stay put for 72 hours.

Earlier, Bynes posted headline-making Tweets, including multiple Tweets that accused her father of sexual abuse. Bynes later deleted that tweet and posted:

This Tweet, along with others, is still on Bynes' profile:

"I am heartbroken today for my husband of 47 years. Rick has been the best father and husband a family can ask for. He has never abused Amanda or our other children physically or sexually. These accusations are absolutely horrible and could not be further from the truth! These allegations stem from Amanda's mental state at the moment. They have no basis in reality. It saddens me beyond belief that my husband's character could be slandered in such a way," Bynes' mother said in a statement via her lawyer prior to the retraction.

Bynes' mother has denied that her daughter is schizophrenic or bipolar. The conservatorship that put her legally under her mother's care and control after her last involuntary hospitalisation recently ended. The Bynes family is hoping to secure another conservatorship, according to sources.

Bynes Tweeted allegations of sexual abuse "after she learned her parents were coming to New York City to get her into a mental health facility," according to TMZ.

The actress' siblings, Jillian and Tommy, defended their father. "We are disturbed beyond words that Amanda would come up with such a fabrication as a way to avoid getting much needed help or treatment ... We are pained by [Amanda's] behavior but we absolutely give our full unconditional love and support to our wonderful parents."

Now a look at the Bynes we used to know: