The NFL has fined Cincinnati Bengals linebacker Vontaze Burfict $25,000 for twisting the ankles of Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton and tight end Greg Olsen after the play was over, ESPN reports.

The league has warned Burfict that he is now considered a repeat offender who is subject to increasing discipline if any similar incident should occur in the future.

The NFL would review Carolina's allegations that Burfict purposely twisted the ankles of Newton and Olsen as they lay on the ground following touchdowns, a source told ESPN on Tuesday. Panthers coach Ron Rivera sent tapes of the plays to NFL offices of the incidents in question.

"The tapes reveal the ankle-twisting is more obvious on the Newton play than it is on the play on which Olsen was injured," ESPN's Ed Werder wrote.

"This happens more than you think and more than it should," a league source said. "Burfict is one of those guys. Always on the edge."

Rivera said Monday that he was attempting to remain "politically correct and diplomatic" when he declined to comment further on the matter.

Olsen, however, was much more outspoken.

"Punishment needs to go beyond a fine," Olsen said. "Guys like that don't learn from that stuff. He's been fined a hundred times for headhunting, and he did it to Klevin [Benjamin] again. You watch the film; that's just what he is."

"At some point, if the NFL wants to really say they care about guys' safety, they've got to start putting guys out for weeks. Me and Cam are lucky we aren't out for weeks, or Kelvin isn't out for weeks. If you're going to start putting guys on other teams out, then the ramifications need to equal that."

Burfict was named to the Pro Bowl last season. He has 18 tackles and one forced fumble so far this season. The Bengals are currently 3-1-1 and sit atop the AFC North standings.