The 19-year-old son of a small Oklahoma newspaper publisher and his family allegedly confessed to killing them to get ahold of a family inheritance, The New York Daily News reported on Wednesday.

Alan Hruby was charged with three counts of first-degree murder after his mother Katherine (Tinker) Hruby, 48, his father John Hruby, 50, and his sister Katherine Hruby, 17, were found dead in the kitchen by a housekeeper on Monday morning.

Hruby told police that he killed them on Thursday night, though the bodies weren't discovered for almost four days.

The University of Oklahoma freshman then splurged on a room at a Ritz Carlton in Dallas and spent the weekend at a college football game with friends.

Hruby told investigators that he owed $3,000 to a loan shark and killed his family because they were going to cut him off financially due to his spending habits.

"The reason we were given for the murders was that he was having financial difficulties," District Attorney Jason Hicks said, according to the Daily News. "He felt if he murdered [his family] he would be the only heir to the estate."

Alan Hruby took the gun he used to commit the crime and a DVR disc that was connected to the home security system and threw them in the lake to try to cover his steps.

John Hruby graduated from Duncan High School, where Katherine Hruby was a junior and the family was well known and loved in the community, police said.

Alan Hruby had previously been charged with fraud after he used his grandmother's name to apply for credit cards while in Europe, racking up $5,000 in charges. Due to being on probation for this case, police were able to apprehend Alan Hruby for being out-of-state in Dallas and therefor violating his probation, according to People. He was then questioned about the murder.

Other than that, police said there was nothing else to suggested that Alan Hruby could be violent.