Florida Georgia Line is one of the hottest acts in country music. The duo - Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard - is thankful for their rocket ride to the spotlight. They're also humble.

In the liner notes of Florida Georgia Line's new album, "Anything Goes," Hubbard got very personal.

"I could just thank the Lord for blessing us beyond our wildest imagination and all the people in my life," Hubbard says. But then, he decides to make it more meaningful than that. "Let's get personal," he writes, reports Allison Bonaguro of CMT.com.

Hubbard goes on to puts his mom first, telling her he appreciates her support even when he didn't have a "Plan B."

Then his late father for being an inspiration and for "teaching me so much about life, love and work ethic in the 20 years we spent together."

Next his team - the ones he calls the game changers - who believed in the duo early on.

And then his fiancé, Hayley Stommel.

"I want to give a special thanks to my amazing girl for all the love and support over the last year," he wrote, reports CMT.com. "You make this awesome life even better. With every bus ride, flight, show, meet-and-greet, interview, phoner or even days off, I realize more and more how thankful I am for the sacrifice you've made and the willingness to walk beside me every step of the way. I love you, angel."

It doesn't end with Stommel, though. Hubbard goes on and on and on thanking friends who knew him "before" - the songwriters, their producer, their publicist, their stylist and the label bosses.

To them, Hubbard simply says, "Thanks for taking us from two rednecks that could barely pay the bills to two rednecks that can now pick up the bill at Strip Steak."

Florida Georgia Line's "Anything Goes," was released Oct. 14.

"We're really excited about what we've learned on this journey and can't wait to give our fans new music they can crank up just as loud as the tunes they sing back to us every night," Hubbard says of the album, according to The Boot. "'Anything Goes' is a natural progression of where we're at and what we've learned getting here."