Those who are new to making cocktails will now be able to use a smart connected shaker called B4RM4N to create the perfect drink.

The shaker comes with a companion app that provides recipes and instructions on the phone's screen on how to make drinks, according to CNET. The device is able to work with apps on Android and iOS phones.

Several different kinds of sensors are provided for making great cocktails, such as a weight sensor that tells the user when to stop pouring or adding ice and an accelerometer that guides users as they shake the drink. The shaker also features a rechargeable lithium polymer battery that can be charged through a USB port.

B4RM4N also comes with an array of LEDs that include sound indicators designed to let the user know when to add the next ingredient, TechCrunch reported.

Users will also be able to wash the shaker without causing any damage to it.

A creation mode is included for those interested in mixing drinks, CNET reported.

B4RM4N's creators, Raphael Terrier and Charlotte Saunier-Terrier, have started a Kickstarter campaign to acquire funds for the $149 shaker. Early bird pledgers will be able to get the shaker for $99.

"Thanks to its sensors and its app, B4RM4N does almost all the work for you. It walks you through every step so you can easily prepare delicious drinks with your friends and family," Terrier and Saunier-Terrier wrote on the shaker's Kickstarter page. "The hardest part is choosing which fancy cocktail you would like to make from the long list of recipes!"