The international rights group Human Rights Watch said Tuesday that Islamic State militants abused and tortured several Kurdish children they kidnapped earlier this year from the Syrian border town of Kobani.

The Islamic State militants had kidnapped 150 Kurdish boys in May when they were returning home from school in the city of Aleppo.

The Human Rights group interviewed four children who gave an account of their four-month long suffering.

While 50 boys escaped, the rest were released in batches, the rights group said. The children said that the militants held them in the northern Syrian town of Manbij. They also said that the militants did not give any reason for releasing them, except saying that they had finished their religious training.

The group's savage nature can be gauged from the statements of four of the released children who said that the militants used a hose and electric cables to beat them.

The boys said that those captives, who had family members in the Syrian Kurdish militia known as YPG, were tortured more by the militants.

The People's Protection Units, also known as the YPG, are the main group fighting against the Islamic State in Northern Syria. Fierce fighting is going on between the YPG and the Islamic State militants for establishing control over Kobani.

"Since the beginning of the Syrian uprising, children have suffered the horrors of detention and torture, first by the Assad government and now by ISIS," said Human Rights Watch's Fred Abrahams.

"This evidence of torture and abuse of children by ISIS underlines why no one should support their criminal enterprise," he said, reports The Associated Press.

Meanwhile, Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the Islamic State released 93 Syrian Kurds captured from Kobani. However, the reason for the release of the captives was not known, reports The Washington Times citing Reuters.

Rami Abdulrahman, director of the Observatory, said that U.S. led airstrikes killed at least 13 Islamic State fighters since Monday. The airstrike also destroyed a radio station controlled by the group, he added.