If you've been closely following comic book news as of late, you've certainly seen the dozen or so teaser posters Marvel has been releasing one at a time over the past couple weeks with little to no explanation as to just what the heck they were leading up to. Today, the "House of Ideas" published a video that (finally) reveals what they've been building to this whole time. Take a look:

Yup. It's the "Secret Wars Battleworld." It appears that, like the previous "Battleworld" from the 1984 series, "Battleworld" will be sewn together just for this story...except this one consists of various realities/universes, as opposed to incongruent chunks of rock from the '84 version. It's a wild idea that's going to take some doing to pull off properly...much like DC did with "Crisis on Infinite Earths" in 1985, so it can be done and done well.

Even more fascinating is the "All-New" slug that materializes over the Marvel logo at the tail end of the video. Put that together with yesterday's final teaser poster that simply read "Everything Ends," which seems to point the fact that Marvel will be pulling a re-boot to their Universe, much like DC has in the past, and the MU will look entirely altered after this new version of the "Secret Wars" plays out. Thanks to Comic Book Resources for the tip.

Stay tuned for more on Marvel's "Secret Wars" as it develops.