To hear veteran Redskins receiver Santana Moss tell it, Washington has a pretty dysfunctional football program - not necessarily in terms of play on the field, though they're certainly dysfunctional there as well - but more in terms of the loose lips lining the locker room.

"There's always drama, man," Santana Moss said of the Redskins during the wide receiver's weekly appearance with 106.7 "The Fan's" Chad Dukes on Tuesday, according to Scott Allen of The Washington Post. "I've been here for 10 years and it ain't been drama-free yet."

Moss, after watching from Florida during the Redskins' bye week as a couple of teammates - Ryan Clark and DeSean Jackson - were forced to appear on Sunday morning's pregame shows to defend the state of the franchise, he bemoaned the problem of "dry snitching" - indirectly telling secrets or offenses to a person of authority or any person meant to be kept away from a secret or offense, sometimes inadvertently, according to Urban Dictionary - he sees permeating the locker room.

"You got these cats dry snitching and telling media in-house business," Moss said. "They're gonna find out a lot of stuff. They're gonna ask a lot of questions, so if you're one of the guys they talk to, you can tell them a lot. But stuff that's kept in-house, kept in that meeting room, in that locker room, you can't go out and leak that out to sources or whoever."

Jason La Canfora, former Washington, D.C. media member and current NFL Insider, said on a pod-cast for Baltimore's 105.7 "The Fan" that there are "always a couple of bad apples there," noting that if he wanted to call a couple guys and get them to say something "crazy," he could, according to Dan Steinberg of the Washington Post.

"Like, if I really wanted to, I could go on TV every Sunday morning and say something that is grounded in truth that makes the Redskins look like a buffoon organization to some degree or another. Like, it's all out there. It's so polluted."

This jibes well, to a pretty unfortunate extent, with Moss' own contention about his team.

For his part, Moss doesn't begrudge La Canfora and the rest of the media doing their job - he's just upset with their fixation on quarterback Robert Griffin III, saying he's been "irritated with it."

"Regardless if it ain't about him, it's always about him. But, at the same time, being the player that he is and how he came in, it comes with the territory. So my hat's off to him. However he handles it, my hat's off to him because I know it's tiring to me. ... I guess until we're winning games and doing what we're supposed to do, then they won't let up."

The quickest way Moss, Griffin and the Skins can silence the critics - and the drama - would be to limit their own dysfunction, play quality football and start putting some markers in the win column.