A new biosensor is in development with the goal of helping athletes make sure they don't go too hard while exercising or playing a sport.

With this device, called the BSXinsight, athletes will be able to avoid running into the lactate threshold, which refers to high levels of lactic acid built-up in the body during vigorous physical activity, resulting in the body being unable to produce energy needed for activities, according to Gizmag.

Light is used to collect readings from the muscle tissue and display them on connected smart phones and smartwatches. The process works by having the electronic module in the sensor emit light from its LED array into the tissue, which results in some of the light returning to the device.

BSX Athletics gave the device a stretchable cuff that users wear on the calf, Gizmag reported. Metabolic activity in the tissue plays a large role in how the light is reflected, thus giving the user a look at how much lactate is in the muscle.

With this technology, athletes will be able to figure out how much their muscles can handle and when they should take it easier or go harder in their exercises.

BSX Athletics succeeded in its Kickstarter campaign for the BSXinsight earlier this year and plans to have the first round of devices shipped in December. Athletes can preorder the $420 sensor now and will have three models to choose from: Cycling, Running and Multisport.

You can find out more information about this new sensor at www.BSXinsight.com.