A Cleveland police officer fatally shot a 12-year-old African American boy who was pointing a fake gun at people in a park on Saturday.

"There's a guy in there with a pistol, you know, it's probably fake, but he's like pointing it at everybody," a 911 caller said, according to audio obtained by WEWS. "He's sitting on a swing right now, but he's pulling it in and out of his pants and pointing it at people," the caller said. "He's probably a juvenile, you know?"

Tamir Rice, 12, did not point the gun at the officers who arrived at the scene or threaten them, Deputy Chief Ed Tomba of the Cleveland Division of Police told reporters early Sunday.

Tomba added that Rice did reach for the weapon, which was a large, black BB- or pellet-type replica gun resembling a semiautomatic pistol, reported CNN. The orange tip that indicates the weapon is an air gun was removed.

Police proceeded to shoot Rice twice in the torso, reported USA Today.

It still remains unclear if the officers responding to the call were aware that the weapon was an air gun.

Tomba recognized the incident as a "very, very tragic situation" adding that "they were doing their job," reported CNN.

This shooting came during a time of increased scrutiny of white police officers shooting black men in the aftermath of the August Ferguson shooting.

Although race appears to be a common factor in recent police shootings the family's attorney, Tim Kucharski said it's more than just race.

"This is not a black and white issue. This is a right and wrong issue," Kucharski said to CNN.