Shaquille O'Neal, Grant Hill and six others were inducted into the college basketball Hall of Fame over the weekend. O'Neal and Hill enjoyed standout careers at LSU and Duke, respectively.

Other inductees included LSU coach Dale Brown, Maryland coach Gary Williams, Stetson's Glenn Wilkes Sr., Five-Star Basketball Camp founder Howard Garfinkel and the late Prairie View A&M star Zelmo Beaty.

"I'm most excited to be here next to the guy who gave me the opportunity," O'Neal said, "because at 13, 6-foot-9, I had zero confidence. I wasn't even thinking about going to college, going to the NBA. And Coach Brown sent me letters every week, 'How are you doing?'"

"One letter was my favorite letter," O'Neal recalled. "'Even if you never become a basketball player, I want to offer you a scholarship to LSU.'"

O'Neal enjoyed a stellar three-year career at LSU, despite the Tigers never advancing to the Final Four. His college career gave way to one of the most successful NBA tenures of all time that included four championships, 15 All-Star appearances and an MVP award. Shaq finished his 19-year career with over 25,000 points and more than 19,000 rebounds.

While Hill's career was hampered by injuries, he did win two National Championships with the Blue Devils in three appearances. Hill made seven All-Star appearances during his time in the NBA.

"I grew up in college," Hill said. "I grew up, and certainly it prepared me for 19 years in the NBA, and certainly life after basketball. But really, I'm just so grateful."