A man from Oklahoma who has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of his wife is said to have been "crazy in love" with a stripper he promised to be with, the Daily News reported on Friday.

Kinney Glasson Jr., 41, is said to have killed Erin Glasson, 33, who is also the mother of their five-year-old daughter, in their home in Oklahoma City on Nov. 19. He claimed the killing happened during a home invasion.

Detectives said he admitted that he had been cheating on his wife, but intended to end the relationship with the other woman, according to his arrest warrant.

A friend of 24-year-old Reva Ann Smith, the other woman, said that statement just isn't true.

"They were making plans for the future," Cindy Norton said of Glasson's secret relationship with Smith.

Though Smith is in jail on unrelated charges, she corroborated that claim.

Glasson allegedly wrote to Smith while she's in jail, and said that his divorce from his wife would be finalized in January and that he was trying to bail her out by raising money.

Smith and Glasson had met at a strip club in Oklahoma City where Smith had been working. They started dating in June, according to News OK.

There are no records that he had filed for divorce from his wife.