In cased you missed it, BioWare’s “Dragon Age: Inquisition” is a hit amongst critics, but fans are split when it comes to the title’s reviews.

The average critic score is an 87 out of 100, according to Metacritic, while their users are spilt with a 5.6 out of 10 rating. Many fans are comparing “Dragon Age: Inquisition” to BioWare’s “Mass Effect” trilogy, with causing the title to fall short of their expectations from the massively popular franchise.

Check out what some critics and fans had to say below. “Dragon Age: Inquisition” is available for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC now.

IGN gives “Dragon Age: Inquisition” an 8.8 out of 10:

“In all my hours, I had only ever seen three. It’s a surprisingly huge, dense world, and I soon realized there were still entire sandboxes I hadn’t even set foot in. Even in my hundredth hour, I’m still discovering. Despite its less than compelling plot, I still want to go back to explore and fight through every nook and cranny of Dragon Age: Inquisition, until every dragon’s skull is mounted on my wall.”

GamesRadar gives “Dragon Age: Inquisition” 4 out of 5 stars:

“Controlling a single character in Inquisition just isn't as interesting as it is in ME3. Instead of switching between different weapons, managing your ammo, and dashing around between spots of cover, here you're mostly waiting around for the next cooldown to refresh. Inquisition also breaks up the action by having players explore a large dungeon. While this is an interesting idea, the execution leads to a lot of down time as you wander around a mostly empty environment looking for the next mob of baddies to kill.”

Metacritic fan user reactions are mixed with a 5.6 out of 10 scale:

“I understand the need to ‘change,’ to ‘target new audience’ and ‘develop’. But what they did to DA franchise - starting with DA2 - is a clear sign of ‘where the money is at.’ After DA2 I promised myself I will not fall for the pre-order hype again. Yet I did. Based - again - on reviews from people who were NOT end-product-gamers, based on my big love for DA:Origin and based on what Bioware kept saying. That they ‘learned a lot’ and will ‘not make the same mistakes again.’ But they did,” one Metacritic user wrote.