On Thursday, the results of a two-year Department of Justice investigation were released, and the findings were not complimentary for the police in Cleveland. Investigators found that Cleveland police use excessive force at a "significant rate" while employing "dangerous tactics" that put the communities they are sworn to serve in danger, according to CNN.

A federal court will now keep a close watch of Cleveland as part of a legal agreement. The investigation started after more than 100 officers were involved in a 2013 high-speed chase which ended with two unarmed civilians being shot more than 20 times.

Now a federal court will keep tabs on the Cleveland police as part of a legal agreement going forward.

The Justice Department's investigation started in 2013, after several incidents, including a controversial case the previous year when more than 100 officers were involved in a high-speed chase that ended with the deaths of two unarmed civilians.

Other cases of extreme force used by Cleveland officers include a handcuffed suspect being kicked in the head multiple times in 2011, a man confused by seizures being tased while strapped down in an ambulance and a 13-year-old shoplifter being punched repeatedly in the face by a 300-pound officer, according to CNN.