A UPS holiday commercial is among the most heart-warming messages being passed along this holiday season.

Carson Knight, 4, dreamed for nearly his entire short life of being a UPS driver. His love for UPS trucks started young, as he has a special condition where he can't drink anything with milk proteins. The tot's mother has a special formula delivered by UPS almost three times a week, reported Fox News.

Carson quickly grew to idolize Ernest Lagasca, who has been driving a UPS truck for 26 years and is responsible for the route in Carson's neighborhood. Carson looks up to Lagasca, better known to Carson as Mr. Earnie, so much that his parents bought him his own UPS uniform.

Mr. Earnie submitted Carson's story to his company's "Your Wishes Program," which led to Carson starring in the UPS holiday commercial driving his own mini UPS truck.

"He's just one of those guys who, to me, is very special and has become a very special role model in Carson's life," Carson's mom told Fox News, speaking of Mr. Earnie. "I'm just so thankful that he is one of the most humble, gracious men that I've met to interact with my young son."

You can watch Carson's video here: