Taylor Swift reveals that she is not in love with anyone at the moment and she declares that's OK.

"I don't have anyone whose feelings are on the line except for me," she told Billboard in a "Woman of the Year" cover story. "If I was in love with someone right now, I don't know how I would handle everyone else weighing in on our stories, because when you're in a relationship there are a lot of secrets and a lot of sacred moments that you don't want to divulge."

Swift's most recent relationship was with Harry Styles of pop group One Direction. She started dating the singer in October 2012 and the relationship came to an end in January 2013. Her other past boyfriends include Conor Kennedy, Jake Gyllenhaal, John Mayer and Taylor Lautner.

"I am 24, perfectly happy being alone," the "Blank Space" singer told Billboard. "One of the reasons I'm perfectly happy being alone is that no one gets hurt this way."

The former country star and newly minted pop star has penned hit songs based on her real-life breakups and romantic betrayals. Her songs "Style" and "Out of the Woods" fall squarely into that category.

She candidly confessed that she has not been out on the dating scene for awhile - about 23 months to be exact - ever since she and Styles parted company.

"Like, have not gone on a date," Swift acknowledged. "People are going to feel sorry for me when you write that. But it's true."