The mother of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was fatally shot by police while playing with a toy gun in a Cleveland playground, spoke to the media for the first time since burying her son on Dec. 3.

Samaria Rice told ABC News Monday morning that she is looking for a conviction for both of the officers involved with the shooting death of her youngest child.

According to a wrongful death lawsuit Samaria Rice filed against Cleveland police, Tamir was left on the ground bleeding for four minutes without medical attention after police shot him twice in the stomach. The 12-year-old died the next day.

Samaria Rice told ABC News in November that on the day her son was shot, two little boys came knocking on her door with the news.

When she arrived at the scene she found her 14-year-old daughter in handcuffs in the back of the police car parked next to her younger brother wounded on the ground.

"She said, 'They tackled me mommy and put me in the back of the car,'" Samaria Rice told ABC News. "But I just couldn't believe they tackled her and put her in the back of the police car - in the same police car that was on the grass that the officer got out of and shot her brother. So my daughter is sitting there and looking at her brother on the ground."

New information is also surfacing about Timothy Loman, the officer who shot Tamir, who resigned from a local police department in 2012 after he was questioned about his emotional stability and declared unfit for duty.

In the wrongful death suit, Samaria Rice is represented by Benjamin Crump, the same lawyer who who helped the parents of Michael Brown, the teen fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo., this summer.

"If the Cleveland police is unequipped to deal with children playing with toys and toy guns, then we need to outlaw toy guns in Cleveland so we have no more children getting killed," Crump said to ABC News. "You can't kill children playing at the playground with toy guns a few yards from their house," he added. "It's unimaginable and we have to address this very seriously."