Facebook released a new search function Monday that will be a fan-favorite among those looking for a way to delete old posts they aren't necessarily proud of, as well as those looking to relive some fun times with friends and family.

With this new feature, users will be able to look for old posts and content shared with them from friends and public pages throughout their accounts, according to CNET. An alert will appear right below the search box once the feature is available on the user's account, letting them know they can look for posts.

All users have to do is enter a keyword related to the post of their interest and they'll be able to find it.

You can limit how far back other users can look through your timeline by going to the privacy settings tab and clicking "limit old posts," which would change posts made public to "friends only," ABC News reported. However, if a friend is tagged in a post, their friends can still see it as well.

The "user activity log" will allow users to review every post they have been tagged in or change who it is shared with.

Users are recommended to enter a first name to narrow down accounts so it's easier to find the ones they are interested in, CNET reported.

Results are not shown in chronological order, so users will have to scroll down to find the exact post.

The feature is currently only available for iOS and desktop in the U.S., ABC News reported.

Facebook's vice president of search, Tom Stocky, wrote in a blog post that the new search function will give users the chance to explore different posts from their past, such as "a fun video from your graduation, a news article you've been meaning to read, or photos from your friend's wedding last summer."