An 11-year-old girl sneaked out in the middle of the night and stole money from her grandmother so she could hail a taxi to see a cute boy who lived almost 900 miles away from her.

Alexis Weller, of Arkansas, pocketed $10,000 cash from her grandmother's sock drawer and called a cab from her cell phone at a donut shop. She asked to go to Jacksonville, Florida and the driver asked for $1,300 - then they were off, reported the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

"According to the information that I have, she was in a sweat suit with a lot of makeup and she looked like she was 17 or 18 years old," said Ellis Houston of Greater Little Rock Transportation Services, which runs the city's Yellow Cab service.

The driver was not charged and isn't in any trouble at work, said Houston, although he suggested the driver may lack a little judgement.

When Weller's parents reported her missing, police used cell records to discover she was fleeing in a cab. Her trip was cut short when police surrounded the cab in Georgia, near Atlanta, and ordered her to get out.

Police returned Weller home to an angry family, although her grandmother declined to press charges on the 11 year old.

Weller's father confiscated her cell phone and makeup.

The 16-year-old Florida boy, who she met two years ago and kept in touch with online, said he had no idea this was happening.

Oh, young love.