Bill Cosby finally broke his silence on Friday when he was contacted at his home in Massachusetts, according to The New York Post.

Cosby would not speak about the allegations against him - accusations of rape that span four decades - but he did have a thing or two to say about the media's role in maintaining journalistic standards.

"Let me say this," the 77-year-old actor said. "I only expect the black media to uphold the standards of excellence in journalism and when you do that you have to go in with a neutral mind."

When asked how Camille, his wife of over 50 years, is holding up, Cosby said, "Love and the strength of womanhood. Let me say it again, love and the strength of womanhood. And, you could reverse it, the strength of womanhood and love."

Cosby then quickly terminated the phone call by telling The Post, "They don't want me talking to the media."