"The holidays are supposed to be a time full of joy and cheer, parties and family gatherings," said James Radack, vice president of public affairs for the National Mental Health Association, according to Web MD. "But many factors help make the holidays so stressful: fatigue, unrealistic expectations, commercialization, financial constraints, and the inability to be with one's family and friends."

Worrying about who will like the gift, who will think you should have spent more, if the mail-order will come on time... the stress of gift-giving can take the fun out of it. Add a budding relationship to that pile and you have a recipe for a complete flambé.

If you've only been dating someone a short time, what kind of signal will a gift give? Are you in a higher or lower tax bracket than the receiver? So many questions!

Let's take a deep breath. It'll all be fine. Here is a break down on tips for giving gifts to that someone new:

1. Yes, give a gift.

Gifts are fun! As adults, we don't get to run down and see what Santa brought us, so any chance to hear the rip of wrapping paper is welcome.

2. Don't be creepy.

If you just started dating a month ago, maybe you should rethink that "friendship ring." According to eHarmony, there are two types of gifts that can totally blow it for you: one that is too expensive and one that is too intimate. A gift that says, "Just thinking about you," is preferred over one that says, "So, will we name our first son after your dad or mine?"

3. Make it meaningful.

Does he like going to museums? Has she been talking about trying rock climbing? This is a good chance to learn something new about your potential significant other, according to eHarmony. The gift doesn't have to be expensive, but it doesn't have to be the first knick-knack you see, guys. And ladies, just because you are dating, you don't have to automatically buy him silky red heart boxers.

Also, try not to buy tickets for something too far in advance. When you first start dating, there is a graceful bow-out period where you can slip away with a mumbled "this isn't working out," before worrying if you left anything at his place. If you buy tickets to see Cirque du Soleil in May, it might make things a bit awkward or cause resentment when it is time to use the tickets.

4. Make it personal... to you.

Make sure they knew you were there even after you left. "The best romantic gifts - even when the relationship is brand new - are ones that keep pointing to you long after the wrapping paper has been tossed," according to eHarmony.

This is also a great time for your potential match to get to know you. A bottle of wine that you had when you were in Spain would pair well with your signature dish or dessert. Something with a personal note about why it is special to you tells your new fling (in a non-stalker sort of way) that are available for her to get to know you.